Thursday, May 22, 2008

No Good, Very Bad Day

I'll admit that I've had worse, but I've definitely had better days . . .

I got Taco Bell for lunch - which I realized as I placed the order, that a REALLY good smoothie place was just right close by. I should've gone there, but I was already pulling up to the window. And THEN they took awhile...

I got my usual soft tacos - but the first one wasn't that great. The second one was worse (I get the combo which gives you three). It started leaking on my hand so I threw it back in the bag. I figured I'd eat the third when I got back to work.

Got to work - was carrying plans for a new job. Set them down - dropped my Mtn Dew, which was almost full. And not only did it spill all of it - but it spilled it all on the stack of Culligan water containers we have. They were all full too... So I spent some time cleaning up my drink, and threw the 3rd taco away. Wasn't going to attempt it....

Man - I should've went with the smoothie...

Plus I found out I did a bunch of invoicing wrong. Ugh!! Could this day get worse?? Probably, but let's not let it!! Please?!?!?!!!

1 comment:

ReL said...

Sometimes we all have days where we feel like the unwanted poo stuck on the bottom of a misguided shoe. It'll be okay, tomorrow is Friday and it will be a better day.