What was I thinking?!?!?
It turned out to be a lot of fun. We hit the road Thursday morning and it was a pretty good ride there.
Then we had dinner, went to the park, and rented a couple movies. We watched one and didn't go to sleep until after. (Way too late.)
Friday: Beach time!! Stayed there for about 5 hours and played in the waves, sand, and had a great time with friends. On the way back, we took our ninja-army friend to get his car and got to see some cool military trucks. A tank, a missile launcher and a truck.
Saturday: We actually slept in a little bit, which was great! Then we played around and made a mess, while packing kind of got done. We even learned some cool ninja tricks!!
Then off to the Natural History Museum, McDonald's, and back on the road.
It was a fun trip. I definitely learned that I would not want to be a single mother. I never would've been able to take them out into the waves and jump them with both children clinging to me. So thanks to the friends who came and helped!!
I also learned that children do things on their own time schedule, and don't understand the meaning of hurry. But I also learned that I love my nephews so much and having children of my own will only be that much better.... one day. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy any nieces and nephews I get!