Thursday, May 7, 2009

2 years

I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for two years as of this week. I believe it was actually today - May 7th - that I officially started moving into my first apartment. And as much as things have changed and the times I have moved - it doesn't feel like it's been two years.... TWO YEARS!


In the past two years I have:

Lived in apt 272, 306, and A.
Been to Utah/Idaho at least 3 times.
I've been to a Wrangler Guest Ranch in Colorado (first time to Colorado).
I have been to King's Dominion about 2-3 times.
I have been white water rafting.
Colored my hair multiple times!
I have gone to the beach a few (ok - a lot of) times.
I have gone through 2 or 3 digital cameras.
I went on a weekend snowboarding trip.
I had my car break down and I was stuck in a city overnite.
I went to my first real concert - even if it was only on the lawn for Toby Keith.
I went to DC - a couple times.
I had a dog for about two weeks.
I went to Disneyworld - TWICE.
I have lived by myself, with a stranger, and with best friends.
I have bowled more times in 6 months than I have my whole life - I even had a 'bowling shirt' I would wear.
I have probably had more slumber parties than I did when I was a kid.
I drove across the country - spontaneously - with friends.
I have been places and done things I've never done before.
I saw friends marry, have babies, etc.
I have met so, so many new people - some of which have changed my life quite drastically.
I have grown up, changed, and had a lot of fun.

I have had a lot of first times for a lot of things. I have done some crazy things, had crazy adventures, but have had the time of my life!! I wish it could always be exciting, adventurous and wonderful. And sometimes I forget all the fun I've had, until I look back over the year and realize - it's been pretty busy. I need to make this year even better....
There's so many things that have happened and things I have done the past two years, but it just seems like it will never be enough. And I suppose that's okay... I'll always want to do and experience more - and that's what it's all about.